Technorati is one of the best blog directory of all time. You can submit or claim your blog in Technorati directory but first you need to register an account. After you registered in Technorati, make sure you have already verified or confirmed your registration in your email and then you can login to your account. Make sure your profile has been already set up so that it looks like more realistic. You can upload profile picture and write about you in the description.
When you are ready, you can now submit your blog by entering your blog URL in "start a blog claim" box and click claim. Your blog is queued by Technorati until they cached your blog. You should check your blog claim by looking at your profile page and then if your blog appears, it needs to claim first. Just click "check claim" under your blog and you will landed to the claim status.
To claim your blog, Technorati will needs to know or verify if you are an author of your blog. You will be given a claim token and looks like this "MKGQC4FJ8GBP" that you need to verify. You will need to create a new post in your blog and include you claim token inside your content or you can just only post your claim token (i.e. MKGQC4FJ8GBP) and post it. When you posted a new post in your blog with a claim token, you can now click or press the "Verify Claim Token" button to make sure it will be verified. After clicking "Verify Claim Token," you will landed to final claim status page to notify they are evaluating your claim. Check your email for Technorati claim in progress that notifies you they have successfully crawled your blog and found your claim token. Your blog is now awaiting review and it will be live and active later in your Technorati profile.
Your blog will be live and active if it shows a Technorati authority rank and that's it. You are successfully claimed and submitted your blog it Technorati. Your blog will receive and gain authority rank. Enjoy blogging!
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